The world of the Beaver
Join us for a look into the fascinating lives of the Beaver. Also known as Amik in the language of the First Nation Ojibway people, this, our largest rodent inspires and infuriates with their industrial eco-engineering. We will spend 3 weekends throughout 3 different seasons tracking the beaver. Along with learning about this animal, we'll be learning and practicing non-invasive observation skills, becoming fluent in reading the stories beavers leave for us to read. We'll explore dams, lodges, scent marking posts and loads of other sign getting an idea of how this animal survives and thrives in the north woods. We'll look at and discuss intra-species interactions both direct and indirect and see how these animals affect so many. We'll come to understand how these animals survive through the long cold winters we have here in northern Wisconsin.
Join Matt for one or all of these exploratory weekends.
-mid May
-mid August
-mid November
Join Matt for one or all of these exploratory weekends.
-mid May
-mid August
-mid November